My Leica Story #2: The M9 (English Version)

[Note] This is a long-overdue, paragraph-by-paragraph English translation of the Thai version that I posted on September 30th, 2013.

This is a continuation from first part of the story (The M8), but more of a user review/impression story than a very personal story about photography like the previous part. You may want to read the first part if you haven’t.


Not long after I go the M8, Leica did something they’d been telling people they couldn’t do: a full-frame digital M. They, naturally, called it the M9 and was announced on a very special day, the 09/09/09.

I wasn’t interested in the M9 even one bit when it came out. The main reason was the I still didn’t know how to make good photographs with the M8. I thought it wouldn’t be worth whatever price they were asking. You can read more about this in the previous part of the article, I won’t repeat those things here.

Things changed, after the M8 changed me. (And it took years).

Leica M9 Body

Leica M9 in Steel Grey, taken by the previous owner of this camera.

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